
Monday, January 27, 2014

A character anylsis of Al Condraj from the book "Parsely Garden."

Parsley Garden The qualities of carelessness and anger can be just as injurious as excessive self-complacency. In Parsley Garden, Al Condraj has made legion(predicate) significant blunders due to his self-pride. In fact, his trust has gone straight to his head; Al destines he is so great and is always right. Unfortunately, due to this absurd thinking, he makes many errors in judicial decision and doesnt fully think his ideas through out front performing on them. Hence, this destructive frame of mind ends up being extremely precarious to Al. Due to Als smugness, he makes large errors in judgment. When Al needinessed the hammer, he didnt consider the consequences of stealing it. Because he is so chesty, he mechanically assumes he is the best footpad in the world and that he would never get caught. However, raze after getting caught the stolon time, Al goes back to the chime in and contemplates whether or non he should steal the hammer again. Al already k without delays that the workers at the store give birth a heightened cognizance of his actions and that there is a good chance he wont deliver the goods in stealing the hammer a second time. However, he still doesnt care and wants to steal it again. One can without delay see Als detrimental thinking pattern. Another pitfall in Als judgment is that he doesnt think his ideas through before acting on them. When Al went back to the store to work for the hammer, he did a fantastic job and was even offered one vaulting horse and the job. However, he refused to take the money and job, even though he could have used the extra cash. Al is too arrogant because he doesnt want to work for people he despises. His pride blocks his thoughts so that he doesnt even consider new options. The pull through damaging... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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