Before the Industrial diversity the working sort outes worked bulky hours for low wages, which left petty time or property for consumerist activities but after the Industrial Revolution they had more exculpate time to do what they wished and they resolved to turn their attention towards the maturement number of plenteousness produced, moth-eaten commodities. Henry Ford had a brilliant idea that crapper production would most plausibly lead to mass consumption (Ford). Frederick Winslow Taylor brought this theory to other industries and from his jumpstarted mass productivity and the ava ilability of goods that were antecedently un! available to the lower berth classes. This attribute forward the unharmed idea of buying goods to make the lower classes lives easier and from that branched the square concept of a middle class society. The main matter that can really be gotten from the end of the Industrial Revolution would have to be that from then on society began to go from being a...If you want to get a full essay, effect it on our website:
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