
Friday, December 20, 2013

The Aids Influence In Africas Politic, Economy And Society

help INFLUENCE IN African POLITICS , de bullion in iodins chipsry , AND SOCIETYThe human immunodeficiency virus / support pestilent has been a major(ip)(ip) riddle to countries of the cosmos and especi wholly(prenominal)y Africa . By the year 2005 , in that location has been a save caseful of 25 zillion terminals and quiet an auspicated 39 one one million million million million of sober deal rein deplumate- extinctment with human immunodeficiency virus / seat up . By that same 2005 , on that point was as puff up a recorded case of 4 million prim sum that was newly septic and 85 of them decease in Africa While the sub-Saharan f collars the high ge arst case of human immunodeficiency virus / support , other set somewhatings of Africa , and the rest of the world argon non left out of the pandemicIn most new surveys carried out , the internal representatives soak up enab guide the published amount of human immunodeficiency virus / assist infect people to be cringed exactly the real trash of infected people and their imprints on various families , communities , countries , their stintingal system , drawship and societies atomic digit 18 staggeringA gloomy picture has been painted by the UNAID update on back up Crisis in Africa later on to a greater extent than two decade of meshinging this epizootic . Studies verbalise that , much that 26 million African live on with assist and with southeasterly Africa having nearly 30 of the unit nation living with human immunodeficiency virus / back up in the world , this is about(predicate) 2 of he world populationIt has been noted that Africa is the save region that has more women infected with this virus than in men and they lead up within the sequence group of 15 and 24 . It is to a fault noted that less(pr enominal) than 1 of the push upfulnessed p! opulation suffer access to antiretroviral drugs for their invigoration saving More than one percent of pregnant women live with this virus , improver the chance of difference this transmitting to their unborn child . 95 of these pregnant women live in Africa having about 39 of them living in Botswana and Swaziland . The dominance of this epidemic to extend in Africa in the forth-coming days is high and Africa tends to be in a lot of danger as the years interlace by . With all this development , the smothers of support have squ ar upd the African unruffled , sparing system and edict in diverse shipway and that is what we be going to number into help INFLUENCE ON AFRICAN POLITICShuman immunodeficiency virus / help is an epidemic in Africa that deserves the kind of mobilization and rejoinder that would plane be necessary to go to war . memorial has been taken back to the time where African countries fought their liberation wars in other to collide with their va rious independence . Yet , the policy-making response to the exculpate of back up in Africa ahs been more or less brusk and in prep atomic number 18ive , though , in the one-time(prenominal) few years , the trends laid down has sightn a corroborative side to the approach to human immunodeficiency virus / aidThe situation on drop anchor no shows that African leaders be making plan of attack in other to show the rest of the world that on that point be until now in the involvement against back up b bely it is still not enough . The influence of AIDS on African government is that it has brought about approximately aims of commitment and escape to nigh(prenominal) leadersthither was great bill of gloss over that surrounded the matter of human immunodeficiency virus /AIDS in the early mid-nineties in Africa . This was beca pulmonary tuberculosis at that place was no sense that e precise adult was in danger in his or her perk upual ways and they proba ble movement to impair in un healthy internal fash! ion . This silence meant that they were throttle earthly concern and private aw atomic number 18ness on HV /AIDS and the continued dangers of those that has already been infected . The silence similarly meant that , semi semipolitical leaders were to slow to recognize the record and grade of danger that their citizens where in and use available resources to contend the epidemicAn example of an importationant political commitment was the way Uganda communicate the protrude of human immunodeficiency virus /AIDS epidemic . There ar bout 24 million people in eastern Africa and Uganda is preferably the only countries to have a steady crumble in the prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus /AIDS throughout the 1990s . There is lack of clearcutness in estimating the prevalence but from 1990 till right away , the come in of sterilisetle has decreased from 14 pct to 5 percent . It is only clear that what lead to this decrease is the vary in sexual behavior . However , there is no undertake rationality to how the change was achieved but generally it was callable(p) to the loyalty and whole pot of their political leaders and other national practitioners that lead to the unmortgaged awargonness on the danger of this infection that led to the changehuman immunodeficiency virus /AIDS has besides decreased the strength of more or less democratic organisation bodys giving space for the phalanx to come into power When date expectancy falls from 65 to 33 Ostergard said the banging businessman to maintain the bureaucratic structure decreases . This whitethorn come along the military to step in when civilian government appears alike languid to govern pay offively In Ethiopia , Angola , and south-central Africa , militaries have verbalised concern about calculate cutsA new study shows that the import of human immunodeficiency virus /AIDS is guessing the democracy in Africa . It is have it off that some human beings official s are dying of this infection quick than they can b! e replaced . Politics is been alter in Africa be nonplus , some prominent citizens that are great value to the Africa s development are dying thereby affecting it developments . The most significant is that of southwestern Africa , where most of their leaders are dyeing prematurely payable to one rangeness or the other . The reasons for heir finales are covered and denied but clear study of the before and subsequently the epidemic show that AIDS is the main featureLet us regard at Zambia as a case study . From 1964 to 1984 , 10 of their by elections were a as event of death of state-supported office holders and in the next ten years , 60 of their by elections were similarly because of deaths . There would be no realizable cause of this than to point fingers at AIDS as the major causeMalawi as another example admitted that the death of 28 unrestricted office holders were AIDS relatedWith these studies , it is seen that AIDS is decimating the most important , headmaster person and harvestingive disclose down of Africa , having what is call a silent pretend on their their leadership and development of African politics and developmentThe issue of AIDS has influenced the evaluate of dedication among some other leader making the leaders of ten African nation to entertain human immunodeficiency virus /AIDS as a national disaster . There are right off calls to adjoin the intensity and arrange effort of fighting this infection in Africa . There are now seeing the magnitude of what human immunodeficiency virus can do . This clear picture states the political attitude towards this epidemic in Africa close to off the commitment promised by these leaders areThe provision of thoroughly leaderships that would aid a fall apart provision of resources to the fighting of this epidemicThere would also be provision of bettor response and creation of halcyon policies and legal environmentMaking the issue of human immunodeficiency virus /AIDS as a major priority in all developmental works in communities , ! regions and every other bump of the nationsShowing great donjon and assisting all computer programmed cause that would create the knowingness of the dangers of AIDS . This is to change the sexual behaviors of their citizenTo get ahead all haomas of dialogue on issues concerning HIV /AIDS and would show great support to those that have been affect with HIV /AIDSThere would also encourage all forms of relevant question on HIV /AIDS and seeking the better ship canal of implementing their discoveriesA break from all moves to fight this epidemic , African leaders are now seeking support from international communities to aid them fight itAIDS INFLUENCE ON AFRICAN ECONOMYLooking at the sparing forte of HIV /AIDS in Africa , we are seeing that that it is existent and the policies that are pulled out for it may be controversial . ace of the issues that are looked into is the targeting of antiretroviral drug for an economically productive people economic theorists and researche rs are looking into how economic possibility can have got to the response on HIV /AIDSApart from heart disease , preconceived idea , and acute get respiratory infection HIV /AIDS has been declared the fourth world largest killer . This was because of the 3 million deaths in 2001 cause by AIDS . More that cardinal percent of the 70 million HIV /AIDS infected people are living in Africa and apart from the deprivationes collectible to mortality reckon rate HIV /AIDS has an immense core on the economic development of Africa coupled with her tycoon to contend with the pandemic . Despite the fact that the have been recorded documentations of the found of HIV /AIDS in Africa , it is still more serious to study the economic power of HIV /AIDS on Africa as a whole and also how it cognitive content affect the delivery in the nearest future all the same , there are need to study the broader effect on the preservation so as to form policies that would provide legal respo nseNEED TO oeuvre THE ECONOMIC EFFECT OF HIV /AIDSRe! searches through with(p) on HIV /AIDS assists in the estimation of the economic effect of HIV /AIDS on Africa , the effectives of the cost of vetoive and manipulation programmesEconomic theory has shown that HIV /AIDS causes the step-down of cranch coerce some(prenominal) in supply and in productiveness , causes a drop-off of exports and increases importThe influence of HIV /AIDS is causing the reduction of Africa s scrimping by 2 -4 every yearEconomic measures along with prevention and word programmes are needed as major keys to the reduction of the economic effect of HIV /AIDS on AfricaECONOMIC EFFECTSReduced exertion supplyThe issue of reduced labor supply has a great effect on the take of labor supply through mortality and morbidity judge . Reduced labor supplyHas affected the loss of major professional expertnesss that are necessary for production in major sectors . In southeast Africa , for example , around 60 of the exploit workforce is aged in the midst of 30 and 44 years in 15 years this is predicted to fall to 10 (R Elias , University of Botswana personal communication , 2000 ) and it is discovered in South African health tuition system that 20 percent of their nurses are HIV positiveReduced labor productivityThe long period of sickness that arises due to HIV /AIDS reduces the level of productivity of the labor force . Studies done on a Kenyan car manufacturing smart set shows that the cost of HIV /AIDS sickness and effect on productivity rose from 17 to 300 per employee . With this cost , you would catch with me that there would be a great reduction two in competitiveness and in profit . On the part of the government , their income forget decline because the revenue collected from subvert go out reduced there would be constrained to overlook more in other to deal with the hike prevalence of HIV /AIDS . This of course lead cause a fiscal crisisReduced exports and increase importsHIV /AIDS causes a reduction in the level of productivity and the decrease I productivity go f! orth reduce the rate of export and increase the rate of imports . Theses imports will be expensive health sustenance products that will be used for fighting the prevalence of HIV /AIDS . The cause of this decline is because of the effect of HIV /AIDS on the working force An example of this is that effect of mining workers in South Africa When all this happens , expenditures for imports and exports will come under tweet and same goes for the governments budget . All these would cause some form of defaults in debt wages and will make the body politic to seek economic assist from the international communityQuantifying the have-to doe withCombining all these effectuate and checking the impacts on African preservation is a complex trade union movement .
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Nevertheless , to calculate the level of performance in the economy , economist have use one measure and that is mediocre income or gross domestic product (gross domestic product , per capitaIn general , economists have used regression outline to estimate the impact of the prevalence of HIV on the rate of branch of GDP per capita This is done while there are controls on other factors that might affect ontogenesis . The result from all these studies on the effect of growth on GDP , per capita shows that it would be substantially negative . More recent studies how that there would be greater effects while the results of the most recent studies also shows that HIV /AIDS has reduced the growth rates of countries in Africa by an average rage of 2 -4Summary of studies of the economic impact of HIV /AIDS in AfricaWhile this looks on the economic effect of HIV /AIDS in Africa , it also clarifies the kind between them i n a simplified version There is a general confidence! that people can move from one type of job to another but this assumption may underestimate the impact of HIV /AIDS on level of production . This is because the replacement of skilled labor is a very slow and expensive task and it is not favourable to agitate labor from one sector to another as a cause of response to shortage of labor . In 1992 Kambou et al , assessed the impact on Cameroon s economy of changes in the skill radical of the labor force resulting from the HIV /AIDS epidemic . They reason that reduced availability of skilled labor would reduce growth rates by about 50 and enthronisation by 75 , that imports of food and other basic products would increase , and that exports of make and other products would decline . More recently Arndt and Lewis estimated that by 2010 South Africa s GDP per capita will be some 8 cut down and consumption per capita will be about 12 lower than would have been the case without the HIV /AIDS pandemic (Arndt C et . alAIDS INFLUENCE ON A FRICAN SOCIETYThe sub-Saharan part of Africa is the most affected part of HIV /AIDS in the whole part of the world . Studies done in 2007 shows that there are more than 23 million people living with the virus and it has claimed more than 2 million lives and more than football team million children have been orphaned by HIV /AIDSIt is about now that the issue of HIV /AIDS is becoming a crisis in African countries due to the increase number of unhealthiness cause by the epidemic . Apart from the preventive , interference , and disturbance measures taken on this epidemic , there is also a high expectancy for the prevalence of HIV /AIDS in sub-Saharan regions . The social and economic influence is matt-up up in all most all areas of the African societies . unitedly with the health sectors , other sector that is affected is teaching method , application agriculture , transport , human resources and the economy in generalWhat are the impacts of AIDS on African SocietiesThere have been increased reports on the mortality rates in Afri! ca because of HIV /AIDS . This death causes the loss of loved one and reduction of the labor force . So much effort has been put to increasing the breeding expectancy in Africa but HIV /AIDS interferes with the come of this course . There are millions of adults dying at a little ageThe severity of HIV /AIDS on families are great because many of them are losing their breadwinner to this virus and even the income earners might want to stay at home to take care of the HIV /AIDS infected relative more people that die leave rat their surviving partners that will also need care . Some of them leave behind their orphans who would now be struggling to survive with the virus without the care of their parentsThe issue of HIV /AIDS is putting a major cover to the health sector of every African demesne because as the rate of infection increase so does the rate of care and this is an expensive taskThe school system is also an affected part of Africa but also the major means of educating a nd financial backing the young minds about the epidemic which helps to fight the prevalence of HIV /AIDSThe effect of HIV /AIDS on labor and economy affects the societal and social progress in countries . The loss of labor force has brought about the increase in the rate of penury . This is because of the death of income earners and apart from their death sickness would make them pallid and reduces their rate production . It has also increase the mode of using up in families in other to take care of their sick family membersThe vexation of HIV /AIDS is like the beginning of science for some people because it is causing a change in the sex behavior of some African societies . There are now informed of the tendency of this epidemic and their knowledge was because of the awareness program made available to them in their various communities by their government . The change in sex behavior has resulted to the increase and undecomposed use of condoms for both affected people and th e non-affected . Some of them have also made it manda! tory to check their HIV office from time to time . This is to aid an early caution and prevent the transfer to their partnersREFERENCESDixon S , McDonald S , Roberts J . 2001 . AIDS and economic growth in Africa : a panel info epitome . J Int Dev 13 :411-426Kambou G , Devarajan S , everyplace M . 1992 . The economic impact of AIDS in an African country : simulations with a computable general equilibrium role model of Cameroon . J Afr Economies 1 :109-130Soderlund N , Lavis J , Broomberg J , mill about A . 1993 . The costs of HIV prevention strategies in exploitation countries . bell ringer World Health Organ 71 :595-604 . [PubMed]WHO (17th April 2007 , Towards Universal admittance : Scaling up priority HIV /AIDS interventions in the health sectorNwokoji UA , Ajuwon AJ (2004 ) Knowledge of AIDS and HIV risk-related sexual behavior among Nigerian naval personnel . BMC semipublic Health 4 :24Peter R . Lamptey , Jami L . Johnson , and Marya Khan . 2006 . The global Challenge of HIV and AIDS , Population Bulletin 61 , no . 1 : 8-9PAGEPAGE 11 ...If you want to get a full essay, range it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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