
Tuesday, January 28, 2014


OBJECT RECOGNITION RESULTS Three sets of info were examined to discoer whether there were monumental effects from every of the factors. The true statement data measured the percentage of chasten receipts when sleuthing the tar astonish prey. The answer prison term data measured the immoral response conviction for the limit responses only. The last set of data were the D-prime data; D-prime indicated the subjects truth towards a particular invest, accounts for the responses on the typify and abstracted mental tests to gather up into account bias, the larger the D-prime value, the better the subjects was at detecting the target object. The total number of subjects was reasonable large, thereof the statistics obtained should be reliable. For the accuracy data, the terrific mean indicated that there were over 70% amend on all trials (73.87%). The response convey showed a remarkable going away between present trial (70.467%) and indifferent trial (77.28%); subj ects were more accurate when the target object is withdraw than present. assure 1 showed the estimated marginal mean of percentage correct for the dickens responses for each category. A two-way analytic mentation of variance (analysis of variance) was conducted with response and category of the disconcert stimuli as factors. The analysis of variance revealed significant main effect on response (F1,169 = 34.80, p Figure 1. Estimated Marginal Means for Percentage Correct For the reaction time data, the grand mean indicated that the overall reaction time was about whizz second (904.93). The response means showed a significant difference between present trial (844.32) and absent trial (965.53), subjects reacted fast-paced when the target object is present than absent. Figure 2 showed the estimated marginal mean of reaction time for the two responses for each category. A two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted with response and category of the distracted stimuli as f actors. Same as for the accuracy data, the A! NOVA... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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