
Monday, February 10, 2014

To Kill A Mockingbird - Prejudice

To crop up A Mockingbird         In the hold up To Kill A Mockingbird, by Nelle Harper Lee, thither is a cud of preconceived notion that happens. E actu completelyyone is preconception in some way at some time in his or her life. Prejudice is sometimes defined as an untoward opinion formed onwards the facts are loven or reasonless bias, intolerance, or disgust. Prejudice is every(prenominal) around us whether we are aware(predicate) of it or not. Everyone does it. For example, when we go to the store and we see someone with white-haired ragged clothes and they look dirty with messed up hair, we suck in that they are poor, but we dont know for sure.         Everyone is a little prejudice in some way. In the book To Kill A Mockingbird, the narrator check outs, Francis looked at me care wide-cuty, concluded that I had been sufficiently subdued, and crooned piano Niger lover ¦ . Obviously, Francis is extremely prejudice. He p robably believes what everyone tells him because he is not capable of making his own beliefs. most(prenominal) likely he doesnt know what is going on or why he hates black people, he exclusively follows what other people verbalise and do. (84)         Not everyone is prejudice for a real reason. Sometimes it is pacify that they dont know the real facts. In the book To Kill A Mockingbird, Jem invites Walter Cunningham over for dinner with the Finchs. While they we eating dinner, Walter pours syrup all(a) over his plate. Scout disapproves and gear ups some remarks, then Calpurnia asks for her presence in the kitchen. Calpurnia explains that as long as it is her company, she will treat them nice. hence Scout says, He aint company, Cal, he is just now a Cunningham-? . Scout thinks that just because the Cunninghams dont have as much money as them, they arent vulnerable enough for her. (24)         Sometimes people arent so severely p rejudice. nearly of the time it is just th! e little things that set people off. In the book To Kill A Mockingbird, the narrator says, ?She discovered that I was literate and looked at me with more than faint distaste. Miss Carolean told me to tell my father not to teach me anymore, it would interfere with my reading. . here Miss Caroline feels that Scout is very smart, probably smarter than her at her age and doesnt want Scout to be better than her. She in addition feels that it is her job to teach the students how to read. Just because of this, Miss Caroline isnt very nice to Scout for the rest of the year. (17)         Prejudice comes in all different forms, whether it is just because a person is animal and doesnt know the right facts, or just because that person is full of hatred. whatsoever the case, everyone is entitled to his or her own opinions. However, that still doesnt make it OK to be mean to other people. Prejudice has locomote less(prenominal) common since the nineteen-thirties, but it still exists today. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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