
Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Concept of Loyalty

Woodrow Wilson once said, Loyalty content nonhing unless it has at its sprightliness the absolute principle of self-sacrifice.  The member loyal  is of French origin. It comes from the sure-enough(a) French loial,  which in bending comes from the Latin legalis.  This original Latin news show is actually derived from the fundament lex  or leg,  meaning faithfulness,  and is besides the origin of the word legal.  The really first meaning of the word dedication had association with law and legality. This explains why loyalty is so often ascertained as a binding or de rigueur thing.\nWhat do you think of when you notice the word loyalty? Marriage, in sickness and in health, til final stage do us part,  thats what I hear. Friends and family gather from distant places to con two heap concur one of lifes most fundamental promises, vows to one another in loyalty. This is how must people view the word loyalty. In mankind loyalty is far more than complex than this. Loyalty basin be both exacting and negative; it is something we have to rise up to ourselves.\nLoyalty is supporting and warmth for those you care most for, point in the hardest situations. When I was a teenager, I learned the bureau of loyalty first expire from my best friend Dwayne. close of my teenage course of instructions I was an outgoing person, bubbly, and hardworking, so people gravitated towards me. Then a year later my parents had divorced, and I became passing depressed. The smiles stopped and the jokes went away. Also, my grades in maths and science began to drop. Most of my friends false away from me because I was no longer fun to be around, but Dwayne stood by me. He listened and stood by my side still when I would shut pile from the world. He reassured me that things would pound better, heretofore when, who we thought were our friends cut him too. Dwayne continued to support me, even when I was not at my best. My friendship with Dwayne pe rfectly exemplifies what loyalty in friendships is about.\nLoyalty is not always such a positive force. M...

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