
Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Life and Attributes of Seals/Pinnipeds

Seals kindle wrap up from five to sextuplet feet long. They erect weigh up to ccc pounds but male seals kindle be larger accordingly the females. They get down small flippers and consort on land by flopping on their bellies. They give layer of blubber to serve up nurse them against the cold. They sped most of their time hold can through of the sea. When it wants to swim fast it holds its presence flippers against its billet and propels itself with its powerful back(prenominal) flippers while moving its freeze off physical structure side to side like a fish.\nSeals atomic number 18 carnivores because they potable m extinguish products. expectant seals eat fish, which argon rockfish, herring, flounder, salmon, hake and keystone lance they also eat squid and sardines. They can eat ten through cardinal pounds of food, which is about 5% of thither over all body weight. Even though they have sharp teeth they fatiguet chew in that location food so they swallow it whole or break it into chunks. When the water is dark it uses its whiskers, which have sensitive vibrissae to help visit its food. They have back molars that help them crush the shells and crustaceans.\nSeals can be found in the jointure equator in both the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. They ar usually in coastal irrigate and on rocky islands, gritrock beaches, mudflats, bays, and estuaries. When they migrate they do it in groups each year just about the Baffin Island to their birthing grounds, which is located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. They leave the Artic waters during the fall to reach in that location birthing grounds, which is from December to February. one time they reach there birthing grounds they disperse and egress to feed. After the females have disposed birth they migrate back to the Arctic.\nSeals give birth during the spring. Mothers can recognize their pup by there smell. Newborn seals are known as seal pups and they go through six life distributor poi nts. The first detail is know as they yellowjacket, which is when they are born the have sportsmanlike fur; however, it is tinted yellow receivable to the placental fluid during this stage they weigh abou...

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