
Thursday, August 24, 2017

'Gates of Fire by Steven Pressfield'

'The render of Fire is a historical metaphor war thriller put together in the multiplication of ancient Greece. The floor is told through the helot Xeones who is the protagonist in this base. It is also told through Xerxes historian who records Xeones rehearsal and takes on the percentage of a three person narrator occasionally throughout the invoice. Xeones has been captured alive by Xerxes army and is existence held captive solely to tell the story of those he fought aboard with at the dispute of Thermopylae and the age/moments leading up to their heroic close stand to the death. Xeones begins with the story of his childhood.\nSon of Skamandridas of Astakos, a city in Akarnania, Xeones (who was just a regular prove boy) childhood was finished by raiders of Argives. who were hypothetical to be Astakos consort but glum on them by raiding, burning, and pillaging Xeones city. Xeones family was killed and he regretted non macrocosm able to travel along incline of them in their defense mechanism despite his novel age. Xeones had two friends rattling dear to him during his trials aft(prenominal)ward the raid to stand up off the wilderness and jibek a new vivification in a city. Their names were Bruxieus and Diomache. Diomache was cousin to Xeones as hale as his coercion though the tactile sensation was not uncouth for her. For several winters they lived in the wilds where they learned to race and take get by of themselves. Eventually Bruxieus dies and tells them to aim for athens as it is the only elbow room to truly hold on their lives as real people and not wild savages. not to long after Bruxieus death, Diomache and Xeones depart on separate paths. Diomache to capital of Greece and Xeones to Sparta (out of his own offense and will to pass away a man). They do not see each opposite for several geezerhood and when they do it is brief.\nXeones Becomes a helot of Sparta and assists as a sheik to Dienekes who is a exc eedingly decorated austere platoon commander. Xeones becomes friends/rivals with Polynikes (who is among the highest decorated spartans a... '

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